Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Korean Life #40: Raw Beef (육회)

I'll admit, for the longest time I was completely against eating raw beef here in Korea. The last thing I want to experience is food poisoning or some other nasty stomach ailment. Therefore, I wrote off eating 육회 ("yook-hwae"/raw beef) basically from the moment I started living in Korea over 1.5 years ago. BUT...lo and behold...the more my Korean friends as well as other expat friends talked about eating this dish, the more curious I became. I figured, if all of my friends have already eaten raw beef and if tons of Koreans eat it every day, it must be relatively safe. So, I mustered up the courage to visit a local market and brave one of the many 육회 restaurants.

The photos you see below are of the main staple: 육회 as well as 비빔 육회. I wrote the dish contents in the captions below each photo but generally, the standard 육회 is raw beef, pear, sesame oil, sesame seeds, and a raw egg yolk. You are supposed to mix it all together before enjoying...which I did. Now I admit, it does not look all that appetizing BUT it was actually pretty good.

The second dish is kind of like 비빔밥 but with the raw beef. It featured a lot of the same ingredients as the raw beef dish with some added vegetables. I would say the 비빔 육회 was a bit more flavorful in my opinion.

Overall, the raw beef was tender and mild in taste. Yes, you did have the beefy taste but not as strong as if you would have grilled the meat. It is served chilled and is soft and often served to accompany alcohol (almost everyone in the restaurant was drinking). It was rather a refreshing bite to have some pear and raw beef together. I am still alive and kicking and had no bad stomach problems since eating the raw beef so, if in Korea, I recommend trying it!

Raw beef, raw egg yolk, sliced asian pear, sesame oil, sesame seeds.
Lettuce, spicy red pepper paste, raw beef, sesame oil, sliced vegetables, sesame seeds. 

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