Saturday, September 17, 2011

Arizona and Some Notes on Language

I recently returned from a trip to Arizona for work.  It's the first time to Arizona that I remember, I think I might have visited when I was little.  Anyway, I wasn't really sure what to expect other than it being hot.  I didn't have much time to explore the state of Arizona.  I did view the mountain like formations in the background of my hotel outside of the Tucson airport.

I was very surprised by the size of my hotel room.  It very large for just one person. It could have easily had three queen beds along the wall.  It was extra wide as well.  Maybe it's because I'm a Gold Member of the rewards program...

I knew I would probably find many Spanish speakers in Arizona...and Arizona pulled through. I would say more than 50% of the Arizonians I interacted with spoke Spanish.  I could pick out a few phrases as I took Spanish all through middle and high school.

A lot of times I wish I was bilingual...with any language other than my native English.  I'm probably like 1.25 lingual...I know some Spanish and am trying to pick up Korean.  I've had exposure to French and Flemish as well growing up.  When I hear a foreign language I'm eager to listen and learn.  I find it amazing so many languages exist; that there are hundreds of ways to identify the same object, to greet someone, to ask for something to eat.

I have one small trip coming up soon and then it's off to the motherland.
