Friday, January 22, 2016

My Korean Life #39: Frozen

It has been frigid in Seoul over the past few days. While Korean winters are normally cold it seems the weather these days is abnormally freezing. Some convenience stores are still putting beverages outside of their storefront and most have turned to ice by mid-day. Gas bills are probably going to be be through the roof this month as most people are leaving their heating on 24/7. Many others are leaving warm water dripping through their pipes to prevent freezing. Lucky for me, I live in a small apartment building with the pipes in internal walls.

If I do venture outside, I now wear my long underwear under my regular clothes as well as long insulated socks I normally wear for skiing. On top of that are leather shoes, jeans, a long sleeve sweater, hat, gloves, scarf, and my winter jacket. In fact, I don't like having to carry around so many articles of clothing and sometimes when I enter public transit or a cafe the heat is on so strong I immediately start sweating. Other places are more frugal with their heating so, even inside some places you still end up needing your jacket. Many people are buying scarves that are more like half a blanket so when they are somewhere kind of chilly, they can wrap themselves up.

They say to keep hydrated and to protect your skin as well so even though I normally don't wear lip balm I've been using it. I saw on the news most concern is for the elderly and young children. There are also a number of homeless people in and around Seoul although I'm not sure of the shelter situation in Korea (as in where people can go to stay warm during the winter months). Some of the subway stations seem like they are heated but others are definitely not heated and seem just as cold as the outside.

Stay warm everyone!


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