Friday, August 23, 2013

My Korean Summer 2013: Day 37 - Home is where the heart is

This will conclude the series on my summer in Korea.

Day 37 was my last and final day in the motherland. It actually took a while for it to hit me - that this was my last day. I was actually quite busy in the morning packing and cleaning. After checking out of my room I went and visited the InKAS office to have lunch with one of their staff. After eating I quickly went back to my guesthouse to pick up my luggage and head to the airport.

I had wanted to say goodbye to the guesthouse proprietor but I ended up leaving earlier than expected...luckily I had done a semi-goodbye the night before. I hope to pay a visit to the guesthouse whenever I return to Korea - it was my home for all this time and the staff was wonderful!

In the subway station I ran into one of my classmates and one of her Korean friends. We all chatted on the 45 minute train ride to the airport. I tried out some of my Korean skills, just a few phrases but, apparently those sounded pretty good as I was complimented on my accent~
Unfortunately I didn't manage a formal goodbye to my classmate or new Korean friend as we were all running around the airport returning cell phones and such. I actually changed clothes because I had sweated through my original set due to the oppressive Korean summer heat and humidity.

Long story short I made it back to the USA via Canada...

It was the summer of a lifetime. I met so many amazing people from around the world; people I would have never met had I not participated in this program. I experienced a classroom setting for the first time in many years and had great teachers who were enthusiastic about teaching. I got better at a language I wish to improve even more on. I experienced a culture that I have a great affinity for...

I also got to meet adoptees from around the globe. I found that Korea brings so many different people together - the common bond we share. I continue to expand the network of adoptees I know and made some great friends.

I hope to share more adventures with you all soon.


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