Saturday, August 22, 2015

My Korean Life #31: Done with Language School!

I no longer have any language books for sale (Level 1 books have been claimed). Thanks!
I recently sold my Level 2 books so I have the Level 1 Compact Series Student Book as well as the Level 1 Workbooks (1A and 1B) left.

I am proud to say I have graduated from Level 6 of Sogang University's Korean Language Program!

It has been a long and challenging year and 3 months and it's hard to believe my life as a language student has finally come to an end. While I won't be formally enrolled in any program anymore, I will continue to study and practice my Korean. I hope to take the TOPIK test in November of this year. Until I start studying for that, I plan on taking the rest of August and perhaps part of September just to rest and relax and catch up with friends.

While my time at language school seemed to crawl by during the terms, as I look back, the time flew by a lot quicker than expected. Just one year and 3 months ago I could barely speak and understand Korean...and now I'm slightly above that...just kidding ^.^ I'd say if I compare myself to a year ago I have improved a lot but there is still so much to learn. I will continue to meet with my Korean friends for our weekly study group and I may start going to the bigger language exchange meetings again.

I plan on continuing to search for a job while here in Korea. One of my friends recently recommended I go through some headhunters/recruiting companies. I might try that if the Internet/my network of people I know here aren't able to yield any results.


  1. Hi Nathan!
    are your still selling your Level 1 books? I will be starting Level 1 at Sogang this coming Semester (Monday), wondering if i can get them from you!


  2. Hello! The Level 1 book I have is actually the Compact Series Student Book Level 1. I also have the workbooks 1A and 1B with a decent amount of 1A completed (in pencil) and some of 1B completed (also in pencil). If you are interested in any of those. Let me know.

  3. hello!
    are those the actual books that will be used for Sogang level 1?
    how much are you selling them at for the whole set? and how much without the work books? you can kakaotalk me at gwenkhoo13 if it is easier.
    thanks! :)

    1. Hi, if you are doing the morning KGP program I think they use the separate 1A and 1B books but Sogang should have emailed you with some information regarding that. I can send you a KakaoTalk message with a photo of what I have.
