Friday, October 18, 2013

잘 했어요! (Good job!)

I requested that my transcript from my summer Korean class be sent to my parents' house as I was kind of in the middle of a move when I left the USA. I finally had the opportunity to get my transcript from my parents this past weekend!

As promised a sealed copy and a regular copy were delivered! I'm sure you are all dying to know how well I did...

Elementary Korean: A+
Korean Language & Culture - Beginner: A0

..."A0" what is that? I affectionately call it "A-naught". They probably put a digit after the "A" so crafty students can't add "+" signs or anything else to their transcript.

So with that being said, it looks like I passed my summer courses with flying colors!

Now you may be saying, "Wow, you must be so good at Korean now."


Haha, I am not all that good. I did, however, do well in the class. I heard via one of the advisors that the summer course I did was abbreviated compared to what they do in the normal quarter schedule of their Korean program. I am ok with that though. I am much more comfortable with my elementary understanding of Korean than I ever was. I also got to practice a ton with classmates, teachers, and other Koreans daily. It's completely different than any western language so while many Koreans speak or understand some English...I highly advise knowing at least some Korean if you travel over there.

For instance, you may be able to get away with saying "toilet? bathroom? I GOTTA GO!!!" but it's just easier to know the Korean. And then if they have to give you directions (because many times the toilets are not always inside the restaurant/bar/ are out of luck...again...there will be a lot of gesturing.

Anyway, I'm headed back to the motherland soon so I hope to do more blogging during or after.

As always, safe travels.


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